Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Anderson boy's chat scandal

There is a scandal at Anderson's church. Anderson's sons have had a private chat group where very bad sexual language (including the idea of buying prostitutes for church money and choking and abusing them) and joking about abortion. Into this group they have invited girls from the church as young as 13 to whom they have spoken in this manner.

When the Anderson's received this information by the concerned parents, they allegedly quickly claimed to have dealt with it and to have disciplined the boys, only to then excommunicate all members/families that weren't happy with how he dealt with it. 

Seemingly, no apology was given. The parents were also denied to enter the church when he had a private church meeting about the whole incident, Anderson is found in a clip online yelling that they're not welcome to enter and will be physically removed it they try.

The families are saying that Anderson did not tell his church what it was really about, and in some texts this is made clear. 

People are being called trash etc while he demands that parents that have had their daughters exposed to vike sexual content by his boys will drop it, "Shut up or get out ", "Go to hell" are some of how he treats his people.


  1. This is discussing.... Sent to 2 major news outlets.

  2. It makes me wonder where they learnt these disgusting things if they are homeschooled and, allegedly, only access the internet for "wholesome reasons".

  3. I’d like to know if authorities have been notified as I have heard that one of the adults was bragging about raping a thirteen year old. This needs to be handled properly.

  4. That's not being edgy teens. Even if they were from evolutionary families then I would still be horrified at some of the content.

    Most teenagers do not talk to each other this was where I am from. It is absolutely horrible that young children are exposed to this type of corruption.

    It is horrible, massively inappropriate (as an understatement). And what is worse, is that the is strong denial, whereas many, many people have received strong condemnation at far, far worse.

    Donnie Romero is a perfect example, preaching from the pulpit the things he is guilty of.

    Pastor Anderson preaching from the pulpit of ruling the house well, how to raise children etc, all the while his children are corrupted and are openly corrupting others far younger.

    The position to not speak of things further is also wrong, as minors are involved. The lasting emotional impact this has on young minds is real, and will often only come out many years down the line.

  5. The 'church' of Slanderson is a cult. The people currently in his congregation worship and idolize him, not Jesus Christ. Hence why they're unwilling to research these unfortunate events themselves. His scumbag sexually immoral sons and his mishandling of the teen sex scandal families involved exposed his rancid heart. Thank God for that!
    To everyone left @FWBC, get out while you can - it's a sinking ship. Research YouTube channel 'Reason Files' & 'Reason Files 2' and watch from the start of the scandal. Save yourself and your children.

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